
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 5 Newswriting

Over the past few years I have noticed more than a few times a boy scooting around in a comical, but collectible form of transportation. After seeing it a few times I finally got to wondering what the thing that resembles a small 60s automobile was. I turned to the internet and found that the funky car/bike hybrid was a pedal car. A pedal car, which is sometimes referred to as a quadricycle, is a four-wheeled bike that usually resembles some sort of real-life car. Because of this, these old children's toys have become highly collectible. The birth of pedal cars came in the 1890s when toy manufacturers started making small wooden chassis with either three or four wheels that were intended to be used by small children. Once the automobile market took off, toy manufacturers followed in hot pursuit producing pedal cars that were made of steel, and scale models of actual automobiles. Pedal cars were hugely popular in the early 1920s but experienced a dip in popularity in the 1930s due t

Week 5 Journal

       William Eugene Smith is a famous American photojournalist who is well known for documenting and photographing the American offensive in the Pacific during World War 2, “ Country Doctor”, a work dedicated to showing the struggles of rural physicians, documenting pollution in Japan, as well many other photographic journals dedicated to showing the struggles of humanity. Born in 1918, Smith got his start photographing for a local newspaper in his home town Wichita, Kansas at the age of 15. In 1937 his career took off when he started working for Newsweek. He was fired from that job over a dispute about the use of mediums, and later was employed for a year by Flying Magazine as a war correspondent, and after was employed by Life Magazine. Smith is said to be the most important figure in the creation of the editorial photo essay. His photos are said to tell stories and illustrate what he was trying to say in ways that invoked incredible emotion. A great example of this is his work rev

Week 4 Newswriting

Media bias is something that exists within all different types of news. Whether that news is politically based and is coming from major media sources such as Fox News or CNN, or is a wacky article about celebrity drama written by TMZ, all media has bias. In this article, I will explore the media bias of three outlets on the three ends of the political spectrum. The three outlets I will explore are CNN (left) NPR (center) and Fox News (Right). The first thing to focus on when looking at media outlets is the narratives that they present. Narrative journalism can be defined as using elements of fictional writing to display nonfictional news. Both CNN and Fox News use very similar narratives to display very different news. The narrative that they both present can be described as an emotional exaggeration. This can best be seen in the Headlines/Introductions of many of their articles. For example, a recent Fox news article was introduced with “Crikey, Biden appears to forget world leader

Week 4 Journal: Misquotes

“Let them eat cake” is a quote that was made famous during the french revolution. It was supposedly said by Marie Antoinette who in reality never actually said this. The intended meaning of this quote was to spark outrage amongst the French people by making it seem that the royal family had no interest in helping the starving lower-class population of France. According to, this quote actually originated from a book titled Confessions by Jean-Jacques , which was published 11 years earlier in 1782. The real quote was “let them eat brioche” which was, as stated earlier never actually said by Marie Antoinette, and was purely used as motivation for the revolution. "BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD." is a famous quote from Gandhi. Or is it? According to the New York Times, this was never actually said by Gandhi . The actual quote (or the closest documented thing that he said was) “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As

COMM 200 Interview

Max Albert, a man who is truly a jack of all trades. Max, who prefers to be called Morty, Is a student at North Dakota State who is majoring in Business Management. When asked about his choice in Major he said “I'm a guy who likes to get down to business, so I figured that making a career out of it would be the best thing for me” He also stated that in the future he plans on getting his real estate license and plans to work for a home broker agency selling houses. He is already working on achieving that goal. He said that “I am actually working on getting my real estate license and will be finished with it by the end of the year, I also have done an internship with my Mom's company Edina Realty”.  After Morty answered these questions I decided to move the interview in a different direction. I proceed to ask him some personal questions with the intent of getting to know him on a more personal level. The first question I asked was: What is your favorite video game? Morty responde

Interview Script Comm 200

  Interview script Hi, today I would like to interview you to get a better idea of who you are and what you plan to do in the future. Please try to answer each question to the best of your ability. Close) Are you a student? Close) What is your major? Probing) Why did you choose that major? Open) What do you plan on doing in the future? Probing) How do you plan on achieving that? Now I would like to ask you a few personal questions that don't relate to your professional life. Close) What is your favorite video game? Open) Why do you like that game? Probing) How do you play that game? Close) Have you ever been out of the country? Close) Where did you go? Open )Did you like it? Probing) Why did you like/dislike it? Now I would like to ask you a couple fun questions Open) What's the best way to watch a movie? Probing) Why is that the best way? Open) If you had to spend a week living in Wisconsin, what would you do? Probing) Why would you choose to do that?

Week 2 News-writing: Hook, Lede, and Nut graf

  Research, Draft, Revise, repeat. This familiar task is known as the writing process. The writing process is something that many people live and die by. That being said, writing is a creative process, and everybody has their own way of doing things. In this short journal, I will explain my writing process, and how it compares to the traditional three words that many deem to be the “correct way to write”.  A man who does it all! Nathan Borthwick (He, Him), a third-year student from Plymouth Minnesota, came to NDSU to study strategic communication. In this short interview, I will ask some thrilling questions such as why Nathan is taking comm 200, what is the best way to eat a PB&J, his least favorite movie, as well as a few of his personal interests.

Comm 200 journal 2 In this news article, you will read about Michael Jordan's Underwear being sold. Who is none other than MJ himself.  The what is his underwear. The when Is the present through September 25 (when the auction ends). Where this auction is being held is an auctioneer website that specializes in sports memorabilia called Lelands. The reason is that the site, as well as some (very die-hard) collectors, place value on MJs Underwear. How this came to be is unknown other than that the website claims to have somehow authenticated the NBA legends briefs. The so what? Is that people might care because of the name associated with the article of clothing, and the what's next is finding out what the undergarments price will end up at. This news article ta