Comm 200 journal 2

In this news article, you will read about Michael Jordan's Underwear being sold. Who is none other than MJ himself.  The what is his underwear. The when Is the present through September 25 (when the auction ends). Where this auction is being held is an auctioneer website that specializes in sports memorabilia called Lelands. The reason is that the site, as well as some (very die-hard) collectors, place value on MJs Underwear. How this came to be is unknown other than that the website claims to have somehow authenticated the NBA legends briefs. The so what? Is that people might care because of the name associated with the article of clothing, and the what's next is finding out what the undergarments price will end up at.

This news article talks about swiss cows being airlifted off a mountain. The who in the article are the farmers that arranged this to happen. The what are the cows being airlifted. When this happens is when an animal gets injured and needs veterinary care. Where this is happening is high elevation pastures in Switzerland. Why this is happening is to help animals when they get injured. They are doing this by transporting the cows with helicopters. Why you should care is because animals that would more than likely have died previously are now getting medical attention due to the joint effort of farmers. What's next is that this practice could be adopted in other parts of the world.

This article discusses a cow going through the drive-through at Mcdonald's. The who of this article is the cow and the what would be the drive-through. When this happened was last Friday. Where this happened was Wisconsin (of course). Why this happened was because the owner of the cow had just purchased it at an auction and was transporting it back to their farm. How this story went viral was because a person saw this happening and posted a video of the situation of TikTok. The so what? of the story is the shock factor and comedy involved in the story. The what's next? Is to go watch the video. 

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