COMM 200 Interview

Max Albert, a man who is truly a jack of all trades. Max, who prefers to be called Morty, Is a student at North Dakota State who is majoring in Business Management. When asked about his choice in Major he said “I'm a guy who likes to get down to business, so I figured that making a career out of it would be the best thing for me” He also stated that in the future he plans on getting his real estate license and plans to work for a home broker agency selling houses. He is already working on achieving that goal. He said that “I am actually working on getting my real estate license and will be finished with it by the end of the year, I also have done an internship with my Mom's company Edina Realty”. 

After Morty answered these questions I decided to move the interview in a different direction. I proceed to ask him some personal questions with the intent of getting to know him on a more personal level. The first question I asked was: What is your favorite video game? Morty responded by saying his favorite game was Rocket League (if you are unfamiliar with the game, here is a link to their website When asked why he likes that game he responded by saying “I was introduced to this game by a friend a couple of years ago. At first I actually did not like it that much, but as I got better at the game it grew on me and has become my favorite”. I continued the question asking him how you play the game and in his words, he said “The basic goal of the game is to score points by putting a ball into a net. It's a lot like soccer but with cars. The best way to really understand the game would be to play it because it is kinda hard to explain”. The next question I asked Morty was if he had traveled outside of the United States. He responded by saying that he had been to a different country and elaborated saying that the place he had visited was Italy. I asked if he enjoyed his trip to Italy and was met with “Yes it was very cool, I actually took the trip a few years ago with some people who at the time were close family friends. It was very fun traveling with them because one of the people in our group is fluent in Italian. This allowed us to go off the beaten path a little bit and not just participate in the classic American tourist activities”.

In the last part of my interview with Morty, I asked him a few light-hearted what if/what is questions. The first question on my list was what is the best way to watch a movie? He gave a sort of lame response saying that he did not watch a lot of movies so he has no preference so I poked at him a little. His final answer was “with a big bowl of popcorn, and the lights turned off” When asked why this was the best way he said that it is because it makes him feel like he is at the movies. I wrapped up the interview by asking “If you had to live in Wisconsin for a week, what would you do and why? His response was “I would watch a ton of movies with a big bowl of popcorn and the lights off. I would do that because there is literally nothing else to do there”.


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