Week 8 Journal

 Fox News, The Washington Times, BBC News, ABC News, Buzzfeed News. 

  • Do all the pieces fit? 

  • Is the story an authentic telling of the events as they happened? 

  • Can we verify the story? 

  • Are we following the basics of communication? 

  • Are we applying the proper techniques? 

  • Is the story a fair and honest representation? 

Fox News (https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-speaks-event-us-capitol-honoring-law-enforcement-killed-line-duty)

This story talks about President Biden speaking at a memorial service to honor police officers that fell in the line of duty in 2019-2020. The points of interest in the story are in chronological order. The story is not opinion based and merely gives a description of the events that happened, and a few quotations regarding what president Biden said in his speech to the families in attendance. The article was written by Adam Shaw, a journalist for Fox News, and BBC News. The article is easy to read, and informative. The story also feels normal, and proper based and what is to be expected from a news company. Lasty, aside from ads relating to the story that were placed around it, the story is for the most part unbiased and provides an accurate representation of what went on.

  • Do all the pieces fit? yes

  • Is the story an authentic telling of the events as they happened? yes

  • Can we verify the story? yes

  • Are we following the basics of communication? yes

  • Are we applying the proper techniques? yes

  • Is the story a fair and honest representation? yes

The Washington Times https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/oct/17/facebook-says-users-can-share-advice-immigrant-smu/ 

This article accuses facebook of promoting illegal imigration on its website. All the pieces do not fit in this article. The story simply states something but does not provide evidence supporting its claim. The article claims their information came from a private letter received by the Arizona secretary of state. Because their source is private it is not credible. The story is not easy to follow as it really has no base for its claims. Lasty, for these same reasons, the story is not an honest representation of what is happening. Do all the pieces fit? 

  • Is the story an authentic telling of the events as they happened? no

  • Can we verify the story? no

  • Are we following the basics of communication? yes

  • Are we applying the proper techniques? yes

  • Is the story a fair and honest representation? no

BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-24021772 

This article explains what climate change is. The article is well written, and well backed up. It uses sources such as research done by Cal Berkley. The article is a little hard to follow as it feels more like a scientific journal than a news article. The article, aside from this, is all fact and is an honest representation. 

  • Do all the pieces fit? yes

  • Is the story an authentic telling of the events as they happened? yes

  • Can we verify the story? yes

  • Are we following the basics of communication? no

  • Are we applying the proper techniques? no

  • Is the story a fair and honest representation? Yes

ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/International/17-missionaries-including-children-kidnapped-haiti-ministry/story?id=80632346 

This article discusses the recent breaking news story about the hatian gang that recently kidnapped 19 people, 17 on which were missionaries. The story is accurate and provides sources. It chronologically describes the events and is easy to follow. I read the story of a few other websites and it matches up so from what i can tell, it is an honest representation of what happened.

 Do all the pieces fit? yes

  • Is the story an authentic telling of the events as they happened? yes

  • Can we verify the story? yes

  • Are we following the basics of communication? yes

  • Are we applying the proper techniques? Yes

  • Is the story a fair and honest representation? Yes

Buzzfeed News https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ikrd/uk-lawmaker-david-amess-stabbed 

This story is about the recent tragic news of the terror attack that ended with the killing of UK lawmaker David Amess. The story is authentic and is told in chronological order. The story is correct and verifiable. The article does use references to tweets as a source as information about David Amess which is not verifiable. This is also not proper news writing technique. 

  • Is the story an authentic telling of the events as they happened? yes

  • Can we verify the story? yes

  • Are we following the basics of communication? no

  • Are we applying the proper techniques? no

  • Is the story a fair and honest representation? yes


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