COMM 200 Journal 1

     When thinking about the writing process, the idea of researching, drafting, revising, and editing comes to mind. This is a process that many people deem to be the correct way to write. That being said, writing tends to be a creative process, so people tend to put a spin on the classic four steps to make this process their own. In this short journal, I will explain my writing process, and compare it to the example given above. 

When I sit down to write, I like to start by thinking through the idea or topic that I am going to write about. I am a horrible note-taker, so I tend to spend the first step of my writing process doing some individual research. This might include using the internet, reading a book, or finding an article about whatever topic I am preparing to write about. Once I get a solid grasp on what I want to write, I find the best way to get started is to just get typing. Once I get a few words on the page, everything else starts to flow. If I get stuck I like to refer back to whatever article, website, book, or journal I was reading to help me get back on track. The revising and editing part of my writing process comes after my paper/essay/journal is done. I tend to just read through and change what I do not like. Once I am satisfied I consider my work finished. 

A few personal things that I like to do when I am writing include listening to music, talking to myself to hear my words out loud, and writing with the lights off to help myself relax. I also like to have some sort of beverage or snack to help me stay focused.


  1. Great breakdown of the writing process. I'm also going to refer to this when/if you have errors that could be fixed by editing. I mention that because not a lot of people edit, either while writing or after. I'm looking forward to more of your work.


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