
Showing posts from August, 2021

COMM 200 Week 1 News Writing: Interview

Nathan Borthwick (He, Him), a man who hails from Plymouth Minnesota, Came to NDSU to study strategic communications. He is a Third-year student who hopes to pursue a job using social media after he graduates. When asked, Nathan claims he took COMM 200 because he knew knowing the basics of media writing could open up doors to new opportunities in the future. He elaborated by saying that media writing and storytelling is an important aspect to what he wants to do with his career. Although it is not a perfect fit for what he wants to do, he stated that understanding the basics of media writing can help a person to become a better communicator.  This class is also required for his Major. Preceding the interview, I asked Nathan a few questions about himself to break the Ice. I started with what is the best way to eat a PB&J. He responded by saying “The best way to eat (a PB&J) is to take one piece of bread, put peanut butter first, then jelly, and fold it over”. I personally would n

COMM 200 Journal 1

       When thinking about the writing process, the idea of researching, drafting, revising, and editing comes to mind. This is a process that many people deem to be the correct way to write. That being said, writing tends to be a creative process, so people tend to put a spin on the classic four steps to make this process their own. In this short journal, I will explain my writing process, and compare it to the example given above.  When I sit down to write, I like to start by thinking through the idea or topic that I am going to write about. I am a horrible note-taker, so I tend to spend the first step of my writing process doing some individual research. This might include using the internet, reading a book, or finding an article about whatever topic I am preparing to write about. Once I get a solid grasp on what I want to write, I find the best way to get started is to just get typing. Once I get a few words on the page, everything else starts to flow. If I get stuck I like to refe