
Showing posts from October, 2019

Semiotics in a Snickers Commercial

A sign in semiotics can be split into two parts. They can be identified as a signifier or a signified. to begin we will look at the definition of a signifier. A signifier can be defined as a word that describes the sigh. For example, if you were to see the word dog you would visualize a dog. Next, we have signified. The signified is an image that is associated with the sign. This would be when you saw a picture of a dog and thought of the word dog. In commercials, companies will use signs to help create myths about the company. This blog will explain how signs create myths in the Marilyn Monroe super bowl commercial . To begin we have the screen pan up to reveal that Marilyn Monroe is Willem Dafoe. He is shown to have an angry face and starts making rude comments to a director who is filming him in a movie. We then see ann assistant to the director come out with snickers telling him to eat it because "your not you when you're hungry". Wilhelm takes a bite only to reveal t

Gamification in the US Army

Gamification is a tactic used by companies, agencies, or even Armies to help recruit, or gain interest in a product. one of the most successful attempts at gamification was done by the United States army. Over the last two decades, the united states army has implemented a series of "games" to help to recruit efforts to be more successful. this began in 1999 when the army created there "virtual army experience" making the army look more like a video game than an actual career path. In 2008, the army expanded their efforts creating for transportable virtual reality chambers that they effectively used at recruiting events to gain an edge in recruitment efforts. This is widely regarded as one of the most effective gamification efforts of all time, and to this day the army uses this not only as a tactic of recruiting but as a training method as well. Just recently the Army created a program called the Games For Training program or the GTP. This program uses the same typ

The global media of Pokemon

Pokemon is a company that everyone is familiar with. wether you have seen the countless Pikachu memes that have flooded the internet, or you played the classic video games growing up, pokemon is a company that has affected each one of our lives in some way, and this is why the pokemon company is such a great example of global media content. growing up I was always intrigued by the idea of pokemon. One trainer's monster competing and battling against another to claim victory, and eventually become the champion. it was the same story over, and over again, but it never got old. As a kid, a game like this made me think and gave me, as well as other players, a sense of freedom. As a young adult, the games provided a pleasant nostalgia about the good times spent playing the games growing up, and a sense of comfort remembering that freedom. I think this is why this game, as well as countless other pokemon products , are so appealing. Another important thing to recognize about the company