
Showing posts from November, 2019

Old Boy

Old boy; A Korean mystery film that combines kill bill and Oedipus rex. With this film, you see many reoccurring themes, but I believe an important one is the theme of family. The movie begins with the main character Oh Dae-Su being imprisoned for public drunkenness. when he is released he immediately goes to call his daughter. This event can be seen as foreshadowing and shows the love he has for his daughter. he is then imprisoned for fifteen years. when he is released he attempts to find out the location of his daughter. This is a mirror of the first event and also shows the theme of family. as the movie progresses however, this theme begins to change its meaning. It goes from being something wholesome, and pure, to being something dark and twisted. As Oh Dae-sue seeks revenge he forgets about his family and attempts to find the truth about himself and his past. this leads him down a dark path and causes him to commit a terrible sin. He later realizes what he did which makes him para