
Showing posts from August, 2019

A Blog About Me!

Hello! My name is Nathan and I grew up in a city just west of Minneapolis called Plymouth. As a child I attended the Wayzata public school system. I went to an elementary school called Greenwood elementary, and then moved up the ladder to Wayzata west middle school. But as I grew, my class size grew with me. With my class size growing close to 1000, I decided that it was in my best interest to switch to a smaller private education. This was in the form of a school called Providence Academy. At providence I was able to better develop my skills with the smaller class size, and that is how I came to recognize my affinity toward music. I had grown up listening to music, and at that point in my life I decided I wanted to make music as well. As a music producer  you can do many thing in many different things such as: Film scoring, creating beats for artists, and sound engineering to help artist record more original sounding music. That is a little bit about me and how I grew up.